International Mail Art Exhibition


In March 2020, the state of alarm was declared throughout the world, an unknown invisible virus, Covid 19, causes a global health crisis, isolates its inhabitants in their homes and puts all health personnel on alarm and constant dedication in their workplaces...

“...what the pandemic shows us is the importance of the invisible and it has always been structuring for art” “Art makes the invisible visible” Nicolas Bourriaud (Inclusions)

This exhibition has been our way of accompanying, defending, making visible with our artistic languages, and from our poetics and perspectives, the medical personnel who selflessly served in The Pandemic, evidencing the transformative power of art and its social relevance.< br/>

“Art is not going to save the world but it can help see it with different eyes.”

Adrián Levy...

Ale Feijó...

Alejandro Thorton...

Alicia Benítez...

Alicia Siguelboin...

Ana Erman...

Ana Moller...

Ana Zlatkes...

Cati Feledi...

Claudia Campanile...

Consuelo Zori...

Cristina Rocha...