The Association of Visual Artists of the Argentine Republic aims to meet the requirements, in all its aspects, so that artists can develop their activity. **
** Of the Statute: "This Association shall have as its object and purpose, to be fulfilled throughout the entire Argentine Republic, to support, encourage and promote national art and culture." And for this purpose it aims to generate spaces for discussion, propose ideas, prioritize national art and culture before the authorities of official and private institutions. "
We believe that there are many issues to be developed with regard to cultural and economic policies regarding visual arts. We dialogue with other artists, with various institutions linked to art, such as the “bases” that art workers are to advance and increase our cultural presence inside and outside the country.
We propose to promote the Visual Arts which implies the creation of the National Institute of Visual Arts and others that would facilitate our daily tasks.
We have the conviction that we will not stop. Together with all the artists and the entities that group them, we will achieve the status that corresponds to us as Argentine visual artists.
Lo hacemos por nuestra identidad nacional, por nuestro bienestar y por todos los que hacemos parte de nuestro país.