Show the Work


As visual artists, the approach to the topic of work seeks to put the often invisible creative task on the table. The theme of the work affects us all equally. No one can feel alien to any of the multiple readings of the concept. The work can be approached from so many places and points of view that it ends up becoming an infinite topic. Work as a means of living, as a source of income, in something related or not to each individual. Work as a system of life, intellectual, artisanal, scientific, technical, artistic work. Work or the lack of it. Work as aspiration, as condemnation, as need, as desire.

alicia benítez...

ana erman...

ana godel...

ana lucía maldonado...

ana möller...

andrés garavelli...

carlos kravetz...

chary hilu...

claudia cerminaro...

Claudia Melo...

claudia trapani...

marcelo cofone...